Made with Love

MUSE Pippa@Muse


Jan 7, 2010
Another buddy called me up and wanted to try out Muse. He picked me up in a real car, NOT A MOPED A CAR!!!

I called and found out Pippa was working so we both booked her back to back. This is breaking Ray's rule but what does a guy who rides around on a moped know?

Pippa in my opinion is one of the most beautiful attendants I have ever spent time with. Ray's told me for a long time I should try Pippa and for once in his life he was right!

Facially a stunner, body wise really nothing to say negative.

Service and looks for me 9.9 out of 10!

For more detail on Pippa please read Chaos's review. I can never write like this man and it's a very accurate detail of this beautiful woman!


The Moped Fairy and myself went to check out the new massage parlor Seductions and it was incredible!!
What a babe. Thanks for sharing.

I have not seen Pippa for a while because I could not make our schedules merge. There is a slight change in her appearance. That's all that has changed, she still uses all of the room for her massage ;D. However, she has found a brilliant surgeon who has gently enhanced what she was born with. When she opened the door and walked in I thought Tyra Misoux was paying me a visit. She even sounds like Tyra when things get going. Except better.

I have not seen Pippa for a while because I could not make our schedules merge. There is a slight change in her appearance. That's all that has changed, she still uses all of the room for her massage ;D. However, she has found a brilliant surgeon who has gently enhanced what she was born with. When she opened the door and walked in I thought Tyra Misoux was paying me a visit. She even sounds like Tyra when things get going. Except better.

Holy Wow.
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