Made with Love

Cancer scam one sick story

Tiger Woods

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2010
After reportedly raising some $20,000 out of sympathy for the cancer she does not have, this 23-year-old Burlington woman appears to be just as skilled at the fine art of deception and duplicity as the fictional Tom Ripley.

She even had the good-hearted and caring police fooled. They helped raise $112,000 to help her son. Later they charged her with public mischief and she got a slap on the wrist while $20,000 of the cash was kept in trust for the boy.
The moral of the story? Ripley walked free, so did Mercier and likely so will Ashley

Something not right here. What ever happened that crime does not pay. :???:
thetank said:
Crime pays. That's why there is crime.


Depends where you are... there are countries that deal with crime so severely that it doesn't pay at all... and there is a very low crime rate as a result.

Just sayin...
I'm sorry but in her case crime did not pay! She only made what...$5 to $10K, she couldve easily made that much from getting a regular job. Now her name is in all the papers complete with her photo, she's looking at possible jail time and for the rest of her life people are gonna distrust her. It'll be very difficult for her to get a job, plus she wont be able to travel to the US for a long time
(until she gets a pardon).

You call that crime paying??!!
I dont, that doesnt even come close to making the $10,000 she defrauded worthwhile

actually, according to the OP she made $20,000.00 and then there's the $20,000.00 the police put in trust for her son.

Do you think she cares about getting a job? I don't think so.
Do you think she cares about her name being in the paper? Only so much so that she can't scam anyone else.

I think anyone who shaves their head and eyebrows to scam people has NO moral fibre whatsoever therefore she doesn't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks of her....

I think part of her sentence should be she has to work in a cancer ward for 6 months cleaning bedpans while wearing a sign saying: "I'm the one who faked cancer to scam people out of their hard earned cash...."
tboy said:
I think anyone who shaves their head and eyebrows to scam people has NO moral fibre whatsoever therefore she doesn't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks of her....
She may not have cared at the time, but she probably didnt expect to have her story and mug all over the news either.

I bet she cares what people think of her now though
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