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You can buy an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle in Philly in 7 minutes


Senior Member
Joined Apr 9, 2011
Messages 1,007
Guns are in America and aren't going away. Even the Clinton assault weapon ban didn't stop them, it just made gun manufacturers change the style and look of weapons.

To add to that you have a gun control person who has no understanding of the mechanics of a gun so to them, a gun that fires the same round yet looks different is a different weapon and more safe. Plus, different state laws which means you can buy a gun in Virginia and drive to DC and shoot that place up even with the strict laws.

Life is not fair, not only a bitch
Joined Sep 10, 2015
Messages 1,478
Obama has armed guards. So does Clinton.

Why should Obama and Clinton have that right, but not the average American citizen?

A resident in a poor neighbourhood in Chicago is in more danger than Obama, sitting in the White House.
Joined Sep 10, 2015
Messages 1,478
It took me a long time to get prescription heroine from the U.S., but I put in the time and effort to do so because I don't like buying 'street-level' drugs - they are never uncontaminated.

Numerous prostitutes have asked me to supply them with drugs, but I never have. Don't want to get involved in that sort of thing. Prostitutes have big mouths and nothing you tell them stays secret for longer than a few days.

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