Made with Love

The Bro Code broken by D'Angelo Russell

Joined Sep 10, 2015
Messages 1,478
Apparently, D'Angelo Russell videotaped his teamate Nick Young as they discussed 'pussy on the side' activities in the locker room. Well, the problem is that Nick Young is engaged to some rapper chick and the information got back to Nick Young's fiance after the recorded video of the conversation was leaked online.

Now, anyone who was born with a dick between their legs knows about the bro code. I NEVER betray the bro code. In fact, when my Mom's boyfriend talked about visiting massage parlours during a car ride I was taking with him one day, I never even once thought of telling my Mom about her boyfriend's activities. The bro code is in my DNA.

Poor Nick Young. Here is a guy who has status (athlete who plays on #1 NBA team in the world) and money (probably signed for at least a few million dollars), so you know he has legions of ladies who want to fuck his brains out EVERY DAY. Any guy in Young's situation would probably cheat, and when he was talking about it with his friends in the locker room, Russell records it and then leaks it. Insane violation of the Bro Code by D'Angelo Russell.

So, now Nick Young is in big trouble with his fiance. But, look at it another way. Nick would have continued his cheating ways, got married and then eventually divorced from his fiance and with that divorce would have to pay his then wife (current fiance) half his fortune. So, D'Angelo actually saved Nick Young millions of dollars by doing what he did. Every story has a silver lining, I suppose.

Moral of the story:

Don't get engaged. And never break the bro code. Never tell on another man. It is super MANGINA behaviour. It serves no purpose.


Joined Aug 12, 2011
Messages 17,534
I don't believe Mal is off base here. Men do have a bro code among a group of friends. We do not throw our bros under the bus because they enjoy the company of women.
Joined Sep 10, 2015
Messages 1,478
thesun said:
That's just plain stupid. However i wouldn't keep it a secret if my sister's or mom's bf was cheating on them. Hell no magina or not.

I never break the bro code under any circumstances.

My Mom's boyfriend could be cheating on her with 10 women and I would vault it forever:


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