Made with Love

Explain why people buy clothes advertising products.

Stan Lee

Senior Member
Joined Mar 28, 2011
Messages 365
Ever wonder why people walk around with Nike, Roots, American Eagle etc... Tshirts and sweaters that advertise their product?. You are paying for it, shouldn't they be paying you?.

Who here does this foolish thing?.




I was forced to wear hand-me-down clothes when I was growing up, then started sewing my own clothes, and as a single parent raising kids on a low income, bought most of my clothes at second hand stores.

Maybe that's why I place no value on owning clothing with popular brand names on them and have no desire to own them.

I quit sewing my clothes years ago because patterns and materials are so expensive, and you can buy just about anything for less, brand new.


escapefromstress said:
I was forced to wear hand-me-down clothes when I was growing up, then started sewing my own clothes, and as a single parent raising kids on a low income, bought most of my clothes at second hand stores.

Maybe that's why I place no value on owning clothing with popular brand names on them and have no desire to own them.

I quit sewing my clothes years ago because patterns and materials are so expensive, and you can buy just about anything for less, brand new.

My parents used to shop for us at the Salvation Army. I also value everything I have and what I can buy.


MisterAsianLover said:
Escape from stress,

I need my clothes hemmed and some tailored.

That would be a great appointment idea - Tailoring with HJ finish.

"The way your crotch is expanding in size - we're going to have to let those seams out." :wink2:
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