Made with Love

Do you say to others. I have to check with the boss first? (Meaning your SO)


Joined Feb 13, 2010
Messages 3,160
It has been coming out lately in conversations or when there are plans to be made. We all know we have to beep our spouses happy and let them believe (In some cases it's true) they are the bosses in the house and when plans have to be made. But I am getting tired of woosies (Men) saying it out loud.

Guys, guys, keep it to yourself. Don't come across as pussy wept.

Rant over.
Joined Sep 10, 2015
Messages 1,478
Don't women want to be treated as equals?.

Then you can't call them boss.

Women only want to be treated as equals when it benefits them. Not when it doesn't. Ask your wife to help you build a deck and she will prefer that you don't. Ask your wife to do the other side of a brake job on your car and she will prefer that you don't treat her as an equal. When something is heavy, 98% of the time, your wife will proclaim that it is too heavy.
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