Made with Love

Daily rating for Sunshine Girl

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Joined Jun 2, 2010
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Maurice Boscorelli said:
I can't quite put my finger on it but there is just something I really like about this one...........8.5/10

you can put your finger on it, her clit, but only on the picture lol......and then, only on your computer yeah, you can't quite put your finger on it heheheheh


Joined Sep 9, 2010
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SUNshine Girl Shelby has a very cool name, just like one of our favourite cars. The 20-year-old goes for the quiet life though — she likes to hang out in her pajamas with her pet Chihuahua and watch movies, particularly Dumb and Dumber. “Stay True to You” she believes, and has it tattooed on her torso.

Cute, nice legs. Talk about Dumb and Dumber another stupid tat. With that half-point deduction I'm still at an 8 for freshness. ( PS considered another half-point for the Chihuahua but didn't drduct)


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Joined Jun 2, 2010
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ok, I don't know if the proportions of my monitor are still messed up or what but in the bathing suit shot she looks quite 8 at least but in the black skirt one she looks like she's a super wide glide stumpy.....oops I mean she looks really REALLY healthy and a 5......


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Joined Apr 7, 2017
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tboy said:
ok, I don't know if the proportions of my monitor are still messed up or what but in the bathing suit shot she looks quite 8 at least but in the black skirt one she looks like she's a super wide glide stumpy.....oops I mean she looks really REALLY healthy and a 5......

It's the skirt, it's an unfortunate length. Ends at her widest point, which makes her look wider than she is.


Joined Dec 17, 2010
Messages 14,418
SUNshine Girl Christine is a runner who hopes to one day compete in either the Boston Marathon or the Disney Marathon. We have every confidence that if she does qualify cheering her on will be her family, especially her nine-month-old son. As far as we’re concerned Christine is already a winner. (Jack Boland/Photo)

This girl is not really my type, especially with the obviously enhanced breasts, but I gotta say she really fills her dresses well. 79%.

BTW, she looks like Ursula Andress:
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