Made with Love

Daily rating for Sunshine Girl

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Joined Nov 6, 2009
Messages 6,563
Not bad but only 7 for me. She doesn't have enough booty or titties for a higher ratings. Don't get me wrong I would still do her, just wouldn't be slapping her booty.


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Joined Jan 26, 2010
Messages 951
I love her slender body so I will rate her an 8 on body, but face meh maybe 5 even 6 after a few beers. I would even throw it to her but not if I had to pay more than just buying dinner.


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Joined Apr 26, 2010
Messages 74
5.5. I try to rate based on a standard distribution with the mean= 5. :geek: So, this chick gets slightly above average. Although then again, she does looks like one of those chicks that look okay in a photo and busted in real life...:lol:
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